P.E.S. Law College, Mandya

P.E.S. Law College situated at Mandya, Karnataka is affiliated to University of Mysore, Mysore was established in 1986 as a private institution.

This college offers Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 3-Year Course for LLB degree, BA. LLB 5 Year Course Integrated degree course in law. This college of law may offer courses for Diploma in Law, PhD in Law or LLB distance education, please contact college for details.

The contents of syllabus for 3 years bachelor of Law (LLB) course covers topics relating to constitutional law of India, international law, law of crimes, Indian penal code, piracy laws, torts law, cyber law, banking law, marriage law, financial law, copyright law, company law, business laws, contract law, commercial law, corporate law, insurance law, property law, divorce laws labor law, patent laws, patent law, family law, custody laws, domestic laws.

LLB admission may depend on law entrance exam. For infrastructure, fees and teaching faculty of law please contact college for details.

College Name : P.E.S. Law College, Mandya
Affilited University : University of Mysore, Mysore
Year of Establishment : 1986
Address : N/A
City / Town N/A
District: N/A
Phone No : N/A
Email: N/A
Website :  
Courses offered: Bachelor of Law (LLB) 3 Year Course BA. LLB (Hons) 5 Year Course


College Location 

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